Working together to solve complex health challenges

At Health Commons, we recognize that health is more than just health care, that health inequities are not inevitable, and that community knowledge is key to unlocking new solutions to our health system’s stickiest problems.

We work to bring people, communities, and system partners together to test creative solutions and push for action on our most pressing health issues.

Whether it’s talking to seniors about social isolation or helping youth define mental health on their own terms, we always aim to support communities to become more resilient, and help achieve health and dignity for all.

Close-up of young woman holding senior man's hands in comfort

As a not-for-profit health innovation lab, we have a mandate to create and share new solutions, document the learning journey of our projects and share co-designed tools so that everyone can benefit from them.

Sneaker shoes on asphalt ground of white painted arrows pointing in different directions

If you are a community organization, provider, or other health system stakeholder tackling a health challenge, we can help you achieve your goals.

We have a broad range of experience, deep system knowledge, and community engagement expertise to co-design and test new solutions that are sustainable, equity-based and, above all, put people at the centre.